A Hanoi man had to go to the emergency room after taking herbal medicine to treat bones and joints.

A Hanoi man had to go to the emergency room after taking herbal medicine to treat bones and joints.

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    during the year

    Male patient DQD, 66 years old, was transferred to the Poison Control Center, Bach Mai Hospital (Long Binh, Hanoi) for emergency treatment due to nausea, sweating, occasional convulsions, and general weakness.

    A Hanoi man had to go to the emergency room after taking herbal medicine to treat bones and joints.

    This condition was observed 15 minutes after taking 1 teaspoon of coriander to treat arthritis and gout.

    The patient was diagnosed with strychnine poisoning, a substance found in psyllium seeds.

    Hanoi man had to go to the emergency room after drinking herbal medicine to treat bones and joints - 2

    “Modern medicine currently does not use strychnine as medicine because of its high toxicity and very limited therapeutic effects,” said Dr. Nguyen Tien Dat of the Poison Control Center.

    Mr. D.

    After nearly a day in the hospital and intervention by Dr. Dutt, patient D.

    Creatine Kinase (CK) test results were very high at 15,000 IU/L.

    After 4 days in the hospital, the patient still had mild spasticity, lung complications, and needed oxygen and emergency resuscitation.

    “Cases of strychnine or mai tian poisoning are often the result of following folk remedies, drinking or mistakenly drinking mai tian pressed wine for massage… Myoclonus (symptoms similar to numbness), muscle stiffness, difficulty breathing, difficulty breathing, and death may occur.

    According to Doctor Nguyen Trung Nguyen, Director of the Poison Control Center, the active ingredient in horseradish is about 50% strychnine, the rest is brucine and 2 to 3% alkaloids.

    Codex is highly toxic, directly affecting the spinal cord, stimulating muscle contractions, increasing tendon reflexes in mild cases, and in severe cases causing persistent muscle spasms such as tetanus, muscle spasms and sudden convulsions. .

    Muscle spasms and spasms can easily and quickly lead to suffocation, difficulty breathing and death.

    According to Dr. Nguyen, when using horse seeds in traditional medicine, it is important to handle toxins properly to avoid the risk of poisoning.

    Ma Tien seeds are classified by the Ministry of Health as highly toxic drugs, requiring special preservation and dosing.

    “Patients should not use nuts and folk remedies indiscriminately to avoid the risk of severe poisoning,” Dr. Nguyen advised.

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