Hanoi: The whole family contracted fungus after raising a stray cat

Hanoi: The whole family contracted fungus after raising a stray cat

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    The whole family got fungus from the cat.

    Last week, Ms. HPA

    According to Mrs. A, two weeks before symptoms appeared, her daughter brought home a stray cat.

    Hanoi: The whole family contracted fungus after raising a stray cat

    A week later, the whole family began to itch and ulcers appeared on the skin, which became larger and larger.

    Worried about her situation, Mrs. A.

    As a member of the Vietnam Dermatology Association, Dr. MSc.

    “The skin lesions of all three people are typical of dermatophytosis (skin disease caused by file fungus – Dermatophytosis). This is a very common disease in hot and humid climates like our country,” said Dr. Tien Thanh.

    The results of fresh fungal testing of the wound showed the presence of divided fungal hyphae.

    Dr. Tien Tank explained: “Mycosis can be transmitted directly from infected animals to humans through direct contact or through objects such as blankets, mosquito nets, and clothing.

    Hot and humid conditions in Vietnam are the ideal environment for mushrooms to grow strongly.

    Fungal dermatitis: Can spread if not controlled.

    Fungal skin disease is not a life-threatening disease, but it causes many problems.

    “If not intervened immediately, the disease can spread to many parts of the body. Itching and scratching can lead to eczema or superinfection. This not only reduces beauty but also reduces quality of life.” of humans”.

    Ms. A’s family’s case was treated standardly with topical and oral antifungal drugs (if response is poor, laser or light therapy can be used).

    According to this expert, when infected with a fungus, patients often feel itchy and uncomfortable.

    You should choose gentle bath products that help clean your skin without causing dryness or irritation.

    Avoid picking or scratching infected skin because ringworm can spread quickly.

    If you have a dog or cat, regularly check, sterilize and especially take your pet to the veterinarian when signs of skin disease appear.

    Dr. Tien Thanh warns: “We should not have close contact with animals of unknown origin or animals of unknown health status. If you decide to adopt them, you need to take them to the veterinarian for a general health check before deciding to adopt them. . Contact directly”.

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